Terms & Conditions
Beancross Primary School - After School Clubs
- Our after school clubs are offered by school staff, Active Schools or an external provider.
- Children are expected to behave appropriately at all times following 'Our Expectation' - please refer to copy in parent annual overview.
- As these activities take place after the school day, school staff may not always be in attendance.
- All children must be collected by 4pm. Late collections cannot be facilitated.
- Although we will try our very best to avoid cancellations, an email will be sent to parents by 12 noon on the day of a club should the club be cancelled.
- All communication regarding after school clubs will be through email. Please check your email account regularly.
- All indoor clubs will require an indoor PE kit - please refer to Annual Overview emailed to parents
- All outdoor clubs will require an outdoor PE kit - please refer to Annual Overview emailed to parents
- Children must attend all sessions unless they are absent from school.
- If a child is present at school but will be unable to attend the club you have booked, please notify the school by 12 noon - beancrossprimaryschool@falkirk.gov.uk
- If your child does not attend their club on two or more occasions without prior notification, their place will be cancelled.
- Our coaches will not be able to contact parents of children who have not come to the afterschool club. Please remind your child on the morning of their club. The school will remind children at 2.45pm each day of the clubs taking place that afternoon.
- Coaches will be made aware of the medical conditions that you have noted in this booking. Coaches may not have access to medical records held by the school.